Virtually one week to BOTB, tense & stress arouse among the DRmmers golfer. Hardwork, physical fitness, mental vision & visualization can be elements to "WIN". Whatever the technique, nobody know who will win this year not until SUNDAY, 16th Dec.

Media Corp DRM were given opportunity to interview the 16 golfer. Let's see what their strategy " " & comment from Media corp DRM [ ]:
1) Faiz: " Actually me supposed to play SEA Gamelah but somehow I got mimpi that suggest me to play DRM lah"
[ If dapat mimpi ekor baik jua..hee]
2) Rafali: " Sorry coach, lama sudah kitani inda main weekend"
[Lain di tanya lain di jawabnya]
3) Pg Sham: " Smile...heeee"
[ Smilenya ani berbisa nie, bull croc lagi di salainya with smilenya atu waktu match play]
4) Kamal: " Boss, kita nie main kompiss ajelah..nak ke"
[ Aduh, di surau main kompiss, mau interview pun kompiss jua]
5) Sani: " Tahun ani cium hadiahku lagi nie, puttku sudahku bagi minyak si nyonyong"
[ Usulnya sapa main sama kedia cium bau harum saja ni]
6) Spidey: " Bah, bila beli scooter?? Aku pakai pain killer sajalah"
[I think Spidey berlatih pakai scooter kali ah]
7) Shamsul Wizard: "Bah, jadi ko beli RYDER, 15 ribu sajatu"
[Yang ani ceta pasal Rydertah pula]
8) Pg Joff/Shulin: " Bah jangan banyak makan chocolate nanti rosak gigi"
[Chocolate remind him extra stroke during match play game]
9) Serial Dude: " Need to play National futsal dude after BOTB on sunday"
[ Baik jua inda skydiving but I think wrong channel or priority kali]
10) Asmadi: " Mudahan jua inda kana panggil treasure hunt on sunday, if not Capt G-him in tu ah"
[ Syorkan banyak2lah berdoa]
11) G-Ayub: " Jai endo ado masaolah, seruma sebelum sambut pun on"
[ Aiyoo cakap jerman, translate: "aku inda ada masaalah, main sebelum pagi pun on" semangat jua]
12) BoBoy: " Arah pipe jus nya ada cracklah"
[ Macam ceta pasal lexus pula usulnya]
13) King Croc: "My croc technique is the weapon"
[ Peningku eh %@#$$$$**]
14) Bull Croc: "Refer to king croc technique"
[ Sama perguruan kali dorang dua ani]
15) Fairway Artist: " Visualize every detail including driving buggy"
[ Hope inda visualize gentlemen room ajelah...hee]
16) xGoldB: " Mau pegi ke Kebun, ambil photo2lah"
[ Yang ku liat gambar "Kerbau" di gambarnya bukannya "Kebun", confuse kali ia ani..]
On overall, media corp DRM felt disappointed due to most golfer didn't reveal their secret, untransparent & "OUT OF TOPIC" too e.g. scooter, futsal, kompiss, chocolate & extra2. In near future, interview need to be taken seriously. So far interview with Captain G-Rahim precisely transparent & emotional (World class example):
"Apa interview2, ce mani saja, biartah kamu main sendiri2 hari enam atu, aku main hari minggu sajalah, faham2lah. Tahun Depan kitani pakai software handicap, dari US ku beli, mana tahan buaya di sana sini, dari mana dorang datang indaku tau. Bah atu saja."
Media corp DRM.